Orphans Sponsorship Program
Program Services:
It’s a complete program that includes many projects which deal with orphans between the ages of 0 and 16 and supports them in various aspects. Some of the prominent projects of the program are:
1- Social welfare
2- Salary sponsorship
3- Educational sponsorship
4- Clothing and eidiyah distribution
5- Helping in the restoration of homes
6- Medical aid
7- Psychological support and entertainment.
The number of sponsored orphans reached 1,000 by the end of 2022.
The main problems addressed by this program:
1- Child labor and beggary.
2- Exposure of children to exploitation.
3- Ignorance and backwardness.
4- Occurrences of early marriage.
Structure of the Orphan Sponsorship Program:
The program is fully supervised by the Office of Orphans, which includes:
1- Director of the Office.
2- Responsible for cash sponsorships.
3- Psychological support team.
4- Responsible for following up the sponsors.
5- Education official.
Program stats:
The program started providing sponsorships since 2015 and continues to this day, as the Wefaq Humanitarian Foundation sponsors nearly 1,000 orphaned children in Syria and provides them with cash sponsorships and other types of support on a monthly basis.
Program work areas:
The program presents its activities within the following areas in Syria:
1- Afrin
2- Azaz and its environs
3- Northern Idlib countryside - Sarmada
4- Jenderes
5- Raju
6- Al- Bab